thE creAtive
SiDe of mE
NO images on this site may be reproduced for any reason without written permission.
This gallery contains my 3D images. Some are from a number of years ago,
but I still love them
and hope you enjoy a well.
Heavily Manipulated Photography
A collection of photos representing the deeply
internal struggle of
emotional turmoil.
wHat iS MacAnOoDoS?
I wanted a domain name that no one else would ever think of and somehow or another, the name macanoodos just sort of happened. Some can't pronounce it and most can't spell it, but I love the name so I've kept it for a good number of years.
And because some of my prior artwork has macanoodos marked on them, I thought I'd keep the name and add it as a category on this web site.
I also have the domain name of "" because I loved the play on the name. So that has now become it's own category for all my [very amateur] photography.
Now, if you like, let's march